Sunday 4 August 2019

Day 5 Pastry

I was tempted to not post today. I have never had success making pastry , and today was no exception. I followed my mothers pastry recipe to a T and went further by putting all my tools and ingredients into the fridge for a bit. No luck.  A waste of flour and shortening. Oh well. I know you can find some decent store bought pastry crusts and that will be my go to from now on.

That said, I had a ton of fresh Ontario peaches I had already prepared for the pie and didn’t want them to go to waste (as if a good peach ever could LOL)....  had some accidentally vegan puff pastry in my freezer so made a sort of strudel and a few peach hand pies. Not pretty but tasty.

And no recipe to share. Just photos! Enjoy 🍑



  1. That was great strudel. Thanks for sharing on Sunday.

  2. Sorry your pastry didn't work out, but I think your puff pastry hand pie looks great!
